Day of Dussehra | Mannat Nursing Academy

Day of Dussehra

Day of Dussehra

Dussehra This festival is one of the most sacred and important festivals in India. This festival is a very important festival for Hinduism. Therefore, this festival is a festival celebrated in Hinduism. This festival is one of the popular festivals of Hinduism. Which people of the whole country celebrate with great enthusiasm and love. On this festival, everyone celebrates happiness.

Day of Dussehra | Mannat Nursing Academy
Day of Dussehra | Mannat Nursing Academy

Which is celebrated in different ways all over the country. This festival is a symbol of the victory of good over evil. Dussehra falls in the month of September or October every year. Goddess Durga and Lord Rama are worshipped during the ten days of Dussehra.

The symbol of the victory of good over evil

Dussehra This festival is considered a symbol of the victory of good over evil in our country of India. Where the whole country is celebrated according to different traditions. Also known as Vijayadashami. Many mythological stories exist behind this festival as a symbol of the victory of good over evil. For example, according to mythology, on this day Goddess Durga Mata saved this world from a terrible demon named Mahishasura.

It is also said in many areas of the country that on this day, Lord Rama confronted and killed Ravana and freed Mother Sita from imprisonment. Many similar stories and traditions exist in this country. All the incidents in which are different, but their aim is “victory of good over evil”. Therefore, this day is considered a symbol of the victory of good over evil. In which people have different beliefs and traditions. But everyone celebrates this day together and together.

Ten days of Dussehra

Dussehra festival is for ten days. In which nine days are celebrated as Navratri. Which is a symbol of the nine forms of Goddess Durga Mata and the tenth day of Dussehra is celebrated as Vijayadashami.

Because on this day Goddess Durga killed the demon Mahishasura and in many parts of the country it is believed that on this day Lord Rama killed Ravana. Therefore, Goddess Durga and Lord Shri Rama are worshipped on this day.

Dussehra is a Joyous festival

Dussehra is one of the most important and sacred festivals of its India country. Which is the whole country people celebrate according to different traditions and according to different customs. The festival is celebrated with great enthusiasm and pomp in all regions of the country. In which everyone celebrates happiness together. On this day fairs and Ramlila-based plays are organized in many areas of the country. Goddess Durga is worshipped in all the temples for a period of nine days before this festival. Which is a symbol of the nine forms of Goddess Durga. On Dussehra, effigies of Ravana along with Kumbhakarna and Meghnath are burnt in many areas of the country. Which gives us the victory of good over evil.

Therefore, this festival of our country is one of the festivals that convey important messages. In this way, everyone enjoys this festival for ten days of Dussehra. Which everyone celebrates with devotion and with respect. Therefore, this festival of Dussehra is a blissful festival in the country of India.

Giant Mannequin

On the day of Dussehra, effigies of Ravana, Meghnath and Kumbhakarna are burnt in many areas of the country to remind everyone again that the incident of Ravnavadh that happened in Ramayana. These mannequins are made of huge size paperboard. In which they are filled with a lot of explosives to burn. In which a chief guest is invited to act as Lord Rama. Therefore, the person plays the role of Lord Rama and in order to burn these effigies, the person shoots a fire arrow at the effigies.

Due to which those three effigies start burning with fire. The event is performed in an open ground with thousands of spectators. Which also has fireworks of firecrackers. Then everyone enjoys the event.

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