देश के सभी नर्सिंग छात्रों को PGIMER प्रवेश परीक्षा के लिये बहुत-बहुत बधाई। यह आपकी सफलता का पहला कदम है।
सफलता प्राप्त करने के लिए दृढ़ लक्ष्य होना चाहिए और उस लक्ष्य को प्राप्त करने के लिए आपके अंदर दृढ़ संकल्प होना चाहिए|
Mannat Best Nursing Academy provide excellent coaching and study material.
युवा राष्ट्र की शक्ति है|
शिक्षित और स्वस्थ युवा देश के उज्ज्वल भविष्य का आधार हैं|
हमारा लक्ष्य युवाओं को शिक्षा प्रदान करना और देश का विकास करना है
Mannat Best Nursing Academy
मन्नत नर्सिंग अकादमी हमेशा आपकी सफलता के लिए आपके साथ
We provide the best quality of education for crack Entrance Exam. Many students left their higher study due to financial problems or their personal problems. To solve this problems, we organised the scholarship test named as M-SAT 2020. Every nursing students can perform his/her talent and get the scholarship for rupees Lakhs.
Mannat Nursing Academy will provide the free education (Entrance Exam Coaching) to all nursing students those belongs to below poverty line in India. Director Sanjeev Sir announced that Our Academy will provide free coaching to poor students. Academy motive to become healthy and educated India.
Our Academy main pillars are our renowned faculty and modern methods of teaching. Academy’s faculty members are very dedicated and sincere regarding high quality education. We provide the LIFE TIME VALIDITY CARD for Mannat Classroom students , through this card a Mannat students can get free coaching class anytime in life.
Our only and only motive to provide Best Quality of Education in nursing field. We provide the nursing entrance exam coaching for AIIMS/PGIMER/GMCH etc. exam for Nursing Officer. Every year many students get selection in AIIMS Delhi and PGIMER through get the coaching by Mannat Best Nursing Academy. Hello Nursing Students for more query and for registration visit our website. Nursing Student can register themselves by offline mode